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Anne Opie is an independent qualitative researcher. She trained as a social worker in Edinburgh and London and subsequently worked as a social worker for fourteen years. After completing her PhD on joint custody, she was funded to undertake qualitative research on caregiving, social work practice and multi-disciplinary teamwork, publishing extensively on these topics. Latterly, she worked for 10 years as a contract researcher for several government departments in New Zealand, including the Department of Corrections. She is currently working with Liz Caughey, from the Braveheart Youth Trust, organising a public forum, on Looking into Prisons: Principles for the 21st Century, to be held on 17 October 2015, at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell, Auckland.
Her latest book, From Outlaw to Citizen: Making the Transition from Prison in New Zealand, was published in 2012 by Dunmore Publishing (
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